图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: CU383C CU383C Texas Instruments 10-bit fet bus-exchange switch 5-Vbus switch with-2-V undershoot protection
Image: SN74ALVCHR16269ADL SN74ALVCHR16269ADL Texas Instruments 12-bit TO 24-bit registered bus exchanger with 3-state outputs
Image: SN74ALVCHR16269A_08 SN74ALVCHR16269A_08 Texas Instruments 12-bit TO 24-bit registered bus exchanger with 3-state outputs
Image: 74CBTLV3383DBQRE4 74CBTLV3383DBQRE4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路(IC) 通用总线函数 Lo-vltg 10-bit fet bus-exchange switch
Image: 74FCT16374CTPACTE4 74FCT16374CTPACTE4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路(IC) 触发器 10-bit fet bus-exchange switch
Image: 74AVC16269DGGRG4 74AVC16269DGGRG4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路(IC) 通用总线函数 12b To 24b reg bus exchanger
Image: 74ALVCH16269DGGRG4 74ALVCH16269DGGRG4 Texas Instruments 12-bit TO 24-bit registered bus exchanger with 3-state outputs
Image: SN74CB3T3383DWRG4 SN74CB3T3383DWRG4 Texas Instruments 10-bit fet bus-exchange switch 2.5V/3.3-V low-voltage busswitch with 5-V-tolerant level shifter
Image: SN74CB3T3383DWE4 SN74CB3T3383DWE4 Texas Instruments 10-bit fet bus-exchange switch 2.5V/3.3-V low-voltage busswitch with 5-V-tolerant level shifter
Image: SN74ALVC162268DL SN74ALVC162268DL Texas Instruments 半导体 12-bit To 24-bit registered bus exchanger with 3-state outputs 56-ssop -40 to 85
Image: 5962-9669701QXA 5962-9669701QXA Texas Instruments 半导体 逻辑 18-bit bus-exchange switch 48-cfp -55 to 125
Image: SN74CBT16212C SN74CBT16212C Texas Instruments 半导体 24-bit bus-exchange switch with -2V undershoot protection 56-tvsop -40 to 85
Image: SN74ALVCH16269 SN74ALVCH16269 Texas Instruments 半导体 12-bit TO 24-bit registered bus exchanger with 3-state outputs
Image: SN74ALVCH16271 SN74ALVCH16271 Texas Instruments 半导体 12-bit TO 24-bit multiplexed bus exchanger with 3-state outputs
Image: 74CBT16212CDGGRE4 74CBT16212CDGGRE4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路(IC) 通用总线函数 24-bit bus-exchange switch
Image: 74AVC16269DGGRE4 74AVC16269DGGRE4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路(IC) 通用总线函数 12-24-bit reg bus exchanger
Image: SN74LVCZ240APWTE4 SN74LVCZ240APWTE4 Texas Instruments 半导体 逻辑集成电路 缓冲器和线路驱动器 24-bit fet bus-exchange
Image: 74ALVCHG162280GRE4 74ALVCHG162280GRE4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路(IC) 通用总线函数 16-32b reg bus exchanger
Image: SN74ALVCH162268DGGR SN74ALVCH162268DGGR Texas Instruments 半导体 逻辑 12-bit To 24-bit registered bus exchanger with 3-state outputs 56-tssop -40 to 85
Image: SN74CBT3383CDGVRG4 SN74CBT3383CDGVRG4 Texas Instruments 半导体 集成电路(IC) 数字总线开关 IC 10b fetbus exchange switches