图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: BCM94710AP BCM94710AP Broadcom Corporation. airforce wireless AP/router
Image: MCO-1S3SD200 MCO-1S3SD200 QUARTZCOM the communications company low emi spread spectrum oscillator adsl router, terminal adapter
Image: SATCR-1 SATCR-1 STMicroelectronics satellite channel router
Image: MSP2006 MSP2006 PMC-Sierra, Inc msp for wireless routers and access points
Image: BCM5357 BCM5357 Broadcom Corporation. 嵌入式解决方案 以太网和通信模块 optimized 802.11g router with broadrange
Image: mt7620 mt7620 嵌入式解决方案 射频/无线模块 integrated 802.11n mac/bbp and 2.4 ghz RF/fem router-on-a-chip