图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: MPL135 MPL135 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-0R4 MPL135-0R4 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-1R0 MPL135-1R0 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-1R5 MPL135-1R5 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-R22 MPL135-R22 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-R47 MPL135-R47 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-R56 MPL135-R56 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-R68 MPL135-R68 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MPL135-R82 MPL135-R82 Delta Electronics big current (55a), footprint compatible with most standard, lower temperature rise at big current, low dcr, without noise
Image: MIKROE-504 MIKROE-504 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 development boards & kits - pic / DSpic BIGDSpic6 development system
Image: MIKROE-432 MIKROE-432 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 development boards & kits - pic / DSpic BIGpic6 proto protoTYPE board
Image: MIKROE-421 MIKROE-421 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 daughter cards & oem boards mcu card bigpic6 80p W/ pic18f8722
Image: MIKROE-420 MIKROE-420 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 daughter cards & oem boards mcu card bigpic6 80p W/ pic18f8520
Image: MIKROE-557 MIKROE-557 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 daughter cards & oem boards mcu card bigdspic6 80p W/ dspic30f6014
Image: MIKROE-458 MIKROE-458 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 development boards & kits - avr mcu card BIGavr6 100p W/ atmega1280
Image: MIKROE-457 MIKROE-457 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 development boards & kits - avr mcu card BIGavr6 64p W/ atmega128
Image: MIKROE-599 MIKROE-599 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 daughter cards & oem boards mcu card big8051 100p W/ c8051f040
Image: MIKROE-598 MIKROE-598 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 development boards & kits - 8051 BIG8051 development system
Image: MIKROE-456 MIKROE-456 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 development boards & kits - avr BIGavr6 development system
Image: MIKROE-419 MIKROE-419 mikroElektronika 嵌入式解决方案 工程工具 development boards & kits - pic / DSpic BIGpic6 development system