图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image:     MAX44284 MAX44284 Maxim Integrated 传感器,变送器 放大器 主要特征 支持使用小检流电阻,提高电源转换效率和测量精度 80na (最大)输入偏置电流 2µV极低输入失调电压(max44284f/H) 50nv/°C极低输入失调温度系数 -0.1V至+36v宽输入共模范围 0.05%低增益误差 延长电池寿命 21µA低电源电流 1.7V至5.5V单电源 关断输入(独立于vdd) 四种增益选项简化设计 50v/V – max44284f 100v/V – max44284h 200v/V – max44284w 500v/V – max44284e 应用/用途 基站 电源管理中的DC-DC电流检测 医用脉搏血氧仪和输液泵 笔记本电脑 便携式/电池供电系统 智能手机和平板电脑
Image: MAX1258EVC16 MAX1258EVC16 Maxim Integrated 半导体 集成电路 - IC adc / dac multichannel evaluation kit/evaluation system for the max1057 max1058 max1257 max1258
Image: MAX2205EVKIT MAX2205EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kits for the max2205/max2206/max2207/max2208
Image: MAX4272 MAX4272 Maxim Integrated 半导体 upstream catv amplifier[max3510/max3510EEP/max3510EEP-T/max3510EVKIT ]
Image: MAX1086EVKIT MAX1086EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit and evaluation system for the max1286/max1288/max1086/max1088
Image: MAX1088EVKIT MAX1088EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit and evaluation system for the max1286/max1288/max1086/max1088
Image: MAX4354 MAX4354 Maxim Integrated 半导体 &#177.5V.600msps.8-bit adc with On-chip 2.2ghz bandwidth track/hold amplifier[max106/max106CHC-D/max106CHC-TD/max106EVKIT ]
Image: MAX2233 MAX2233 Maxim Integrated 半导体 low-power.90msps.dual 6-bit adc[max1003/max1003CAX/max1003CAX-T/max1003EVKIT ]
Image: MAX5131 MAX5131 Maxim Integrated 集成电路 high-voltage.low-power linear regulators for notebook computers[max1615/max1616/max1615EUK-T/max1616EUK-T ]
Image: MAX5133 MAX5133 Maxim Integrated 集成电路 +3.3V.622mbps.sdh/sonet 1:8 deserializer with ttl outputs[max3680/max3680EAI/max3680EAI-T/max3680EVKIT ]
Image: MAX2251EVKIT MAX2251EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit for the max2470/max2471[max2470EVkit/max2471EVkit ]
Image: MAX1270EVKIT MAX1270EVKIT Maxim Integrated 嵌入式解决方案 evaluation kit/evaluation system for the max1270/max1271/max127/max128
Image: MAX1270EVKIT|MAX1270EVSYS|MAX1270EVC16 MAX1270EVKIT|MAX1270... Maxim Integrated evaluation kit/evaluation system for the max1270/max1271/max127/max128
Image: MAX1270EVSYS MAX1270EVSYS Maxim Integrated evaluation kit/evaluation system for the max1270/max1271/max127/max128
Image: MAX1124EVKIT MAX1124EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit for the max1121/max1122/max1123/max1124
Image: MAX1231EVKIT|MAX1231EVC16 MAX1231EVKIT|MAX1231... Maxim Integrated evaluation kit/evaluation system for the max1030/max1031/max1230/max1231
Image: MAX1286EVKIT MAX1286EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit and evaluation system for the max1286/max1288/max1086/max1088
Image: MAX1288EVKIT MAX1288EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit and evaluation system for the max1286/max1288/max1086/max1088
Image: MAX1832EVKIT MAX1832EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit for the max1832/max1833/max1834/max1835
Image: MAX1835EVKIT MAX1835EVKIT Maxim Integrated evaluation kit for the max1832/max1833/max1834/max1835