图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: NJU6680CL NJU6680CL New Japan Radio 128-common x 128-segment 4-level gray scale bitmap lcd driver
Image: P174LPTI6373 P174LPTI6373 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics fast cmos 3.3V 16-bittransparent latch
Image: NJU6655B NJU6655B New Japan Radio 64-common X 160-segment + 1-icon common bitmap lcd driver
Image: NJU6655BCJ NJU6655BCJ New Japan Radio 64-common X 160-segment + 1-icon common bitmap lcd driver
Image: NJU6673 NJU6673 New Japan Radio 25-common x 100-segment bitmap lcd driver
Image: NJU6673CL NJU6673CL New Japan Radio 25-common x 100-segment bitmap lcd driver
Image: AD7570 AD7570 Analog Devices Inc 10-bitmonolithicaid converter
Image: STV3500 STV3500 STMicroelectronics integrated Up-convertor with 32-bit cpu core with video enhancers and bitmap On-screen display
Image: PI74LPT16373A PI74LPT16373A PerkinElmer Optoelectronics fast cmos 3.3V 16-bittransparent latch
Image: PI74LPT16373AA PI74LPT16373AA PerkinElmer Optoelectronics fast cmos 3.3V 16-bittransparent latch
Image: PI74LPT16373AV PI74LPT16373AV PerkinElmer Optoelectronics fast cmos 3.3V 16-bittransparent latch
Image: PI74LPT16373CA PI74LPT16373CA PerkinElmer Optoelectronics fast cmos 3.3V 16-bittransparent latch
Image: PI74LPT16373CV PI74LPT16373CV PerkinElmer Optoelectronics fast cmos 3.3V 16-bittransparent latch
Image: PI3B16248 PI3B16248 Pericom 3.3V, 24-bit to 48-bitMux/demux nanoswitch
Image: MHB2102 MHB2102 ETC unipolarni integrovane obvody nmos staticka pamet ram 1024 bito
Image: MHB2102/2 MHB2102/2 ETC unipolarni integrovane obvody nmos staticka pamet ram 1024 bito
Image: SAA7350 SAA7350 Philips Semiconductors 20-bit input bitSTREAM conversion dac for digital audio systems
Image: SAA7345GP SAA7345GP Philips Semiconductors bitstream conversion adc for digital audio systems
Image: Z8615 Z8615 ZiLOG nmosz8 8-bitmcu keyboard controller
Image: UDA1309H UDA1309H Philips Semiconductors low-power stereo bitstream adc/dac