图片 型号 厂商 标准 分类 描述
Image: AD378 AD378 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF adapters - In series adptr, trt female to trt female
Image: BJ378 BJ378 Emerson Network Power Connectivity Trompeter 连接器 同轴连接器 (RF) - 适配器 conn adapt trt jack TO trt jack
Image: BJ376 BJ376 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt blkhd Strt jack rear Mt solder
Image: PLR375C-306 PLR375C-306 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt plug, R/A full crmp
Image: PL375-13A PL375-13A Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt Strt plug crimp for 8232 cable
Image: M49142/08-0002 M49142/08-0002 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt cable Strt Plug 3-lug for trc-50-2
Image: M49142/10-0001 M49142/10-0001 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt blkhd Strt jack 3-lug solder pot
Image: CBJ370 CBJ370 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt jack, str board mount, thrd
Image: ADPL375-E1UBJ20 ADPL375-E1UBJ20 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF adapters - between series adptr, trt plug to bnc jack
Image: BJ377 BJ377 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt blkd JK front mnt thrd
Image: CBBJ379 CBBJ379 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt blkhd Strt jack board mnt threaded
Image: BJ379MC-201 BJ379MC-201 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt blkd jack military crmp, str
Image: PLR375C-201 PLR375C-201 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt plug, R/A full crmp
Image: PLR375C-221 PLR375C-221 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt plug, R/A full crmp
Image: ADBJ377-A1-PL75 ADBJ377-A1-PL75 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF adapters - between series adptr, btwn series trt jack to trb plug
Image: ADBJ377-A1-PL74 ADBJ377-A1-PL74 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF adapters - between series adptr, btwn series trt jack to trb plug
Image: PLR375C-308 PLR375C-308 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt plug, R/A full crmp
Image: PLR375C-303 PLR375C-303 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF connectors / coaxial connectors trt plug, R/A full crmp
Image: ADBJ77TLA1PL375 ADBJ77TLA1PL375 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF adapters - between series adptr, btwn series trb jack to trt plug
Image: ADBJ77-A1-PL375 ADBJ77-A1-PL375 Trompeter / Emerson Connectivity Solutions 连接器 射频互连 RF adapters - between series adptr, btwn series trb jack to trt plug